Invictus (2009)

Admittedly, rugby would not be an obvious choice for a movie subject for An American movie director who started out playing gun-slingers in western flicks. However, Clint Eastwood did just that with his latest offering 'Invictus'. This movie tells the story of the early days of Nelson Mandela's presidency over post-apartheid South Africa and how he used the South African national rugby team; the Springboks entry in the Rugby World Cup to unite the previously segregated people of South Africa.

I was excited over this movie because as much as I'm a football fan, I've always thought that rugby is a more exciting spectator's sport from my days in a rugby-nut boarding school. Too bad I don't get too see too many rugby matches in Malaysia except those shown on Astro 816.

Anyway, let's start with the GOOD:
1) it's hard not to like sports movies and this movie delivers on the pitch;
2) Clint Eastwood has definitely shown that he had done ample research on rugby and it is treated with respect; and sporting and historical accuracy in the movie.
Now for the BAD:

1) if you've seen a real rugby match, you can spot that the rugby sequences are kinda soft. But then again these are actors playing rugby players. Can't afford to get Matt Damon's face get mashed in the scrums and the rucks right?;
2) Clint Eastwood has a way of being too direct with his scripts that when coupled with a little too much optimism, you can't help rolling your eyes at certain moments in 'Invictus'. Show it, don't tell.

So my VERDICT for 'Invictus' is: 6.5/10! It is a good movie with an engaging subject-matter, but ultimately executed in an all-too-formulaic manner.

Here's a piece of movie TRIVIA: Although the All-Blacks are portrayed as a formidable team in this movie, they actually have won the World Cup only once, in 1987. They are like the England football team of rugby, quite good but inconsistent.

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